Privacy Policy

The latest Privacy Policies from Afanti Media.

Cân i Gymru - Hysbysiad Preifatrwydd

Mae’r hysbysiad preifatrwydd hwn yn rhoi gwybodaeth am sut y bydd Afanti Media Limited yn casglu ac yn prosesu eich data personol pan fyddwch yn gosod pleidlais ar gyfer enillydd “Cân i Gymru” (“y Rhaglen”) neu’n gwneud cais i fod yn aelod o gynulleidfa’r Rhaglen.


Yn yr Hysbysiad Preifatrwydd hwn mae ‘Afanti’, ‘ni’, ‘ein’ yn cyfeirio at Afanti Media Limited a ‘chi’, ‘eich’ yn cyfeirio at aelodau o’r cyhoedd sydd yn gosod pleidlais yn y Rhaglen neu’n gwneud cais i fod yn aelod o gynulleidfa’r Rhaglen. Afanti Media Limited fydd “rheolydd data” y data personol.


Dim ond unigolion dros 13 oed sydd yn gymwys i fwrw pleidlais ar gyfer y Rhaglen yn unol â rheolau pleidleisio’r Rhaglen.


Rhaid bod yn 10 oed neu’n hŷn i fod yn rhan o’r gynulleidfa, ond dim ond unigolion dros 18 oed all wneud cais i fod yn aelod o’r gynulleidfa. Rhaid i bob aelod o’r gynulleidfa o dan 18 oed fod yng nghwmni rhiant neu warchodwr.


Sicrhewch eich bod yn darllen yr Hysbysiad Preifatrwydd hwn law yn llaw gyda’r Hysbysiad Preifatrwydd Cyfrannydd Afanti. Mae Hysbysiad Preifatrwydd Cyfrannydd Afanti yn cynnwys gwybodaeth fanylach am ein gweithredoedd prosesu data.


  1. Y rhesymau dros gasglu gwybodaeth bersonol ar gyfer Cân i Gymru

Rydym yn casglu ac yn prosesu gwybodaeth bersonol am unigolion sy’n gosod pleidlais mewn cysylltiad â’r Rhaglen er mwyn:

  • i enillydd y Rhaglen gael ei ddethol/dethol drwy bleidlais gyhoeddus a fel bod y pleidleisio yn deg ac yn atebol
  • i wirio oedran y pleidleiswyr
  • gwirio bod pob pleidlais yn cael ei gosod gan berson go iawn ac yn ddilys
  • gwirio mai dim ond un bleidlais y mae pob person yn ei gosod


Rydym yn casglu ac yn prosesu gwybodaeth bersonol am aelodau’r gynulleidfa ar gyfer y Rhaglen i sicrhau y gallwn gysylltu â’r aelod o’r gynulleidfa i’w hysbysu am amseroedd a dyddiadau priodol ar gyfer ffilmio, i gadarnhau presenoldeb, i hwyluso hygyrchedd ac i reoli presenoldeb y gynulleidfa yn gyffredinol.


  1. Pa wybodaeth bersonol y byddwn yn ei chasglu

Os byddwch yn gosod pleidlais mewn cysylltiad â’r Rhaglen, mae’n bosib y byddwn yn casglu eich enw, dyddiad geni, cyfeiriad e-bost, côd post a chyfeiriad IP.


Os byddwch yn gwneud cais i fod yn aelod o gynulleidfa’r Rhaglen, mae’n bosib y byddwn yn casglu eich enw, cyfeiriad e-bost, rhif ffôn a gofynion hygyrchedd.


Mae data personol neu wybodaeth bersonol yn golygu unrhyw wybodaeth am unigolyn y gellir adnabod y person hwnnw ohoni. Nid yw’n cynnwys data lle mae’r hunaniaeth wedi’i ddileu (data dienw).


Ni fyddwn yn casglu data categori arbennig gan bleidleiswyr mewn cysylltiad â’r Rhaglen.


Byddwn yn casglu data categori arbennig iechyd aelodau’r gynulleidfa er mwyn hwyluso mynediad a rheoli materion hygyrchedd sy’n ymwneud â’r lleoliad ffilmio yn unig.


  1. Rhannu eich gwybodaeth bersonol

Bydd eich gwybodaeth bersonol yn cael ei phrosesu gan ein gweithwyr, staff a darparwyr gwasanaethau trydydd parti sydd wedi’u contractio gennym ni i ddarparu gwasanaethau mewn cysylltiad â’r Rhaglen.


  1. Y seiliau ar gyfer casglu a phrosesu eich gwybodaeth bersonol

Mae yna nifer o seiliau cyfreithlon y byddwn yn casglu ac yn prosesu eich gwybodaeth bersonol arnynt gan gynnwys y canlynol:

  • lle mae’n angenrheidiol i ni brosesu eich gwybodaeth bersonol ar gyfer ein buddiannau cyfreithlon. Noder y byddwn ond yn gwneud hynny pan na fydd ein buddiannau cyfreithlon yn trechu’ch hawliau a’ch buddiannau cyfreithlon chi.
  • lle mae gennym eich caniatâd
  • lle mae angen i ni gydymffurfio â rhwymedigaeth gyfreithiol


  1. Sut rydym yn defnyddio ac yn storio eich gwybodaeth bersonol

Fel y nodir yn rhan 1 uchod, byddwn yn defnyddio gwybodaeth bersonol pleidleiswyr at ddiben casglu, dilysu ac adrodd ar y pleidleisiau ar gyfer y cystadleuwyr sy’n cymryd rhan yn y Rhaglen. Byddwn yn defnyddio gwybodaeth bersonol aelodau o’r gynulleidfa at ddiben rheoli presenoldeb y gynulleidfa ar gyfer y Rhaglen.


Bydd y wybodaeth bersonol yn cael ei rhannu gyda’n gweithwyr a’n staff lle bo’ angen iddynt fod yn ymwybodol ohonno yn unig. Lle bo’ angen, mae’n bosib y bydd hefyd angen rhannu’r wybodaeth â’n cynghorwyr proffesiynol, S4C, ein hyswiriwr a’n darparwyr gwasanaethau trydydd parti. Lle rhennir eich gwybodaeth bersonol â thrydydd parti, byddwn yn sicrhau eu bod yn cydymffurfio â’r polisi hwn a chyfreithiau diogelu data.


Rydym yn gweithredu mesurau diogelu priodol er mwyn sicrhau bod eich gwybodaeth bersonol yn cael ei chadw’n ddiogel e.e. drwy ei storio’n ddiogel, a thrwy gadw data electronig ar weinyddion diogel a gyriannau caled gyda lefelau priodol o ddiogelwch gan gynnwys amgryptio a waliau tân.  Fodd bynnag, mae’r rhyngrwyd yn system agored ac ni allwn warantu na fydd trydydd partïon anawdurdodedig byth yn gallu trechu’r mesurau hynny.


Byddwn ond yn cadw’ch gwybodaeth bersonol am gyhyd ag sydd ei angen arnom a byddwn yn cadw’r data personol mewn cysylltiad â’r Rhaglen am ddim mwy na 6 mis (gallai’r cyfnod hwn newid os daw cwyn neu os ydym yn credu’n rhesymol bod yna posibilrwydd erlyniad cyfreithiol lle bydd angen y wybodaeth bersonol).  Bydd gwybodaeth bersonol nad oes ei hangen bellach yn cael ei dileu/dinistrio.


  1. Eich hawliau

O dan rhai amgylchiadau, mae gennych nifer o hawliau mewn perthynas â’ch gwybodaeth bersonol, gan gynnwys yr hawl:

  • i ofyn am fynediad i’r wybodaeth bersonol sydd gennym amdanoch;
  • i ofyn i ni beidio â phrosesu eich gwybodaeth bersonol at ddibenion marchnata uniongyrchol;
  • i ofyn i wybodaeth bersonol anghywir sydd gennym amdanoch gael ei chywiro;
  • i ofyn i wybodaeth bersonol gael ei dileu;
  • i ofyn i’ch gwybodaeth bersonol gael ei darparu i chi mewn fformat cludadwy
  • i dynnu eich caniatâd i brosesu yn ôl os ydym yn dibynnu ar “ganiatâd” fel y sail gyfreithlon ar gyfer prosesu eich gwybodaeth bersonol gan gynnwys data categori arbennig.

Noder nad yw’r rhan fwyaf o’r hawliau uchod yn absoliwt a’u bod yn gyfyngedig i amgylchiadau diffiniedig.  Felly, mae’n bosib na fyddwn yn gallu cydymffurfio â chais i wneud yr uchod.


Os mai ‘caniatâd’ yw sail ein prosesu o’ch gwybodaeth bersonol, mae gennych yr hawl i dynnu eich caniatâd yn ôl unrhyw bryd.


Ni fydd yn rhaid i chi dalu ffi i gael mynediad at eich data personol (neu i arfer unrhyw un o’r hawliau eraill). Fodd bynnag, mae gennym yr hawl i godi ffi resymol os yw’n amlwg bod eich cais yn ddi-sail, yn ailadroddus neu’n ormodol. Fel arall, gallem wrthod cydymffurfio â’ch cais o dan yr amgylchiadau hyn. Mae’n bosibl y bydd angen i ni ofyn am wybodaeth benodol gennych i’n helpu i gadarnhau eich hunaniaeth ac i sicrhau bod gennych yr hawl i gael mynediad at y data personol penodol (neu i arfer unrhyw un o’ch hawliau eraill). Mae hwn yn fesur diogelwch i sicrhau nad yw data personol yn cael ei ddatgelu i unrhyw berson nad oes ganddo’r hawl i’w dderbyn. Mae’n bosibl y byddwn hefyd yn cysylltu â chi i ofyn ichi am ragor o wybodaeth mewn perthynas â’ch cais i helpu gyda’n hymateb.


  1. Cysylltu

Os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau neu bryderon ynghylch yr Hysbysiad Preifatrwydd hwn, cysylltwch â rheolwr diogelu data Afanti yn ein prif swyddfa – info@afantimedia.tv. Byddwn yn gwneud ymdrech resymol i ateb eich cwestiwn neu fynd i’r afael â’ch pryderon yn brydlon.


Noder fod gennych hawl hefyd i wneud cwyn i Swyddfa’r Comisiynydd Gwybodaeth os ydych o’r farn nad yw unrhyw bryder sy’n ymwneud â’r Hysbysiad Preifatrwydd wedi’i drin yn briodol gennym: Swyddfa’r Comisiynydd Gwybodaeth, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Swydd Gaer, SK9 5AF.  https://ico.org.uk/make-a-complaint/

Cân i Gymru - Privacy Notice

This privacy notice provides information about how Afanti Media Limited will collect and process your personal data when you place a vote for the winner of “Cân i Gymru” (“the Programme”) or apply to be an audience member for the Programme.


In this Privacy Notice ‘Afanti’, ‘we’, ‘us’, ‘our’ refers to Afanti Media Limited and ‘you’, ‘your’ refers to members of the public placing a vote for a competitor in the Programme or applying to be an audience member for the Programme. Afanti Media Limited will be the “data controller” of your personal data.


You can only cast a vote for the Programme if you are over 13 years of age in accordance with the voting rules of the Programme.


Audience members must be 10 years or older, but only individuals over the age of 18 can apply  to be an audience member. All audience members under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.


Please ensure that you read this Privacy Notice and the Afanti Contributor Privacy Policy together. The Afanti Contributor Privacy Policy contains more detailed information about our data processing.


  1. Why we collect personal information for Cân i Gymru

We collect and process personal information of individuals placing a vote for the Programme so that:

  • the winner is determined by public vote and the voting on the Programme is fair and accountable
  • to verify the age of voters
  • verify that each vote is made by a real person and is valid
  • verify that each person can only place one vote


We collect and process personal information of audience members for the Programme to ensure that we can contact the audience member to notify them of appropriate times and dates of filming, to confirm attendance, to facilitate accessibility  and to generally manage audience attendance.


  1. What personal information will we collect

If you place a vote in connection with the Programme, we may collect your name, age verification, email address, post code and IP address.


If you apply to be an audience member for the Programme, we will collect your name, email address, accessibility requirements and telephone number.


Personal data or personal information means any information about an individual from which that person can be identified. It does not include data where the identity has been removed (anonymised data).


We will not collect special category data of voters in connection with the Programme.


We will only collect health special category data of audience members for the purpose of facilitating access and managing accessibility matters relating to the filming location.


  1. Sharing your personal information

Your personal information will be processed by our employees, staff and third party service providers contracted by us to provide services in connection with the Programme.


  1. The bases for collecting and processing your personal information

There are a number of lawful bases upon which we will collect and process your personal information including the following:

  • where it is necessary for us to process your personal information for our own legitimate interests.  Note that we will only do so where our legitimate interests do not override your own legitimate rights and interests.
  • where we have your consent
  • where we need to comply with a legal obligation


  1. How we use and store your personal information

As set out in part 1 above, we will use voter personal information for the purpose of collecting, verifying and reporting the votes for the contestants taking part in the Programme. We will use audience members’ personal information for the purpose of managing the audience attendance for the Programme.


The personal information will only be shared with our employees and staff on a need to know basis. Where necessary, it may also be shared with our professional advisers, S4C, our insurer and our third party service providers. Where your personal information is shared with third parties, we will ensure that they comply with this policy and data protection laws.


We have implemented appropriate measures and safeguards to ensure that your personal information is kept safe and secure e.g. by storing it securely, and by keeping electronic data on secure servers and hard drives with appropriate levels of security including encryption and firewalls.  However the internet is an open system and we cannot guarantee that unauthorised third parties will never be able to defeat those measures.


We will only keep your personal information for as long as we need to and will keep the personal data in connection with the Programme for no longer than 6 months (this period may change in the event of a complaint or if we reasonably believe that there is a prospect of litigation where the personal information will be required).  Personal information that is no longer required will be deleted/destroyed.


  1. Your rights

Under certain circumstances, you have a number of rights in respect of your personal information, including the right:

  • to request access to the personal information that we hold about you;
  • to request that we do not process your personal information for direct marketing purposes;
  • to request that inaccurate personal information we hold about you is corrected;
  • to request that personal information is deleted;
  • to request that your personal information is provided to you in a portable format
  • to withdraw your consent to processing where we are relying on your consent as the lawful basis for processing your personal information including special category data.

Note that most of these rights are not absolute and are limited to certain defined circumstances.  Therefore, we may not be able to comply with a request to do the above.


If the basis of our processing of your personal information is ‘consent’ you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.


You will not have to pay a fee to access your personal data (or to exercise any of the other rights). However, we may charge a reasonable fee if your request is clearly unfounded, repetitive or excessive. Alternatively, we could refuse to comply with your request in these circumstances. We may need to request specific information from you to help us confirm your identity and ensure your right to access your personal data (or to exercise any of your other rights). This is a security measure to ensure that personal data is not disclosed to any person who has no right to receive it. We may also contact you to ask you for further information in relation to your request to assist with our response.


  1. Getting in touch

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Notice please contact Afanti’s data protection manager at our main office at info@afantimedia.tv. We will use reasonable efforts to answer your question or address your concerns promptly.


Please note that you are also entitled to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office if you feel any concern of yours relating to the Privacy Notice has not been dealt with properly by us: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.  https://ico.org.uk/make-a-complaint/


Afanti Media Limited is an independent television production company based in Cardiff, producing quality programmes and other content for worldwide distribution.  We are a company incorporated in England under company number 03120908 and our registered office is at Tagomago Park, Unit 2&3, Dowlais Road, Cardiff CF24 5TW.

We are committed to protecting the privacy of others and complying with all relevant data protection laws and regulations.  This Privacy Notice explains how we collect, store, use and transfer information about individuals, including those who are involved in the programmes we make, whether in hard copy or digitally on any of our servers or computers.

In this Privacy Notice ‘Afanti, ‘we’, ‘us’, ‘our’ refers to Afanti Media Limited and ‘you’, ‘your’ refers to potential contributors to our programming.

1. Why do we collect personal information

We collect and process personal information for a number of reasons including:

  • producing, exhibiting, exploiting, distributing, publicising, advertising and promoting our programmes by any media (now known or hereafter invented) throughout the world;
  • operating and managing our business effectively and lawfully;
  • as part of and in connection with our programme-making and other activities;
  • responding to queries from members of the public;
  • contacting individuals about taking part in our programmes and assessing individuals’ suitability to take part in our programmes;
  • making payments to individuals.

2. What personal information do we collect

Contacting us: you may provide your personal information (e.g. name, postal address, email address, telephone number, other contact information) when you contact us by phone, e-mail or otherwise in writing, or where you contact us online.  This may be in connection with you participating in one of our productions, or for some other reason.

Participating in programmes: if you are applying or being considered to take part in one of our programmes it will be necessary for us to collect certain basic information about you including your full name, date of birth, gender, postal address, email address, telephone number and other contact details.  We may also need to carry out identity checks and background checks.  This will be in order to contact you and to assess your suitability for taking part in our programmes.

We may also collect, store, process and transfer personal information about you that is publicly available e.g. press articles, your social media profiles, online searches.

Special Category personal information: Data protection legislation recognises certain “special categories” of personal information, which is information revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic information, biometric information for uniquely identifying a person, information concerning health, and information concerning a person’s sex life or sexual orientation.  Information relating to criminal offences and convictions is treated in a similar way.

In order for us to be able to (i) assess your suitability as a contributor to a programme; and (ii) produce, exploit and publicise our programmes; and (iii) ensure your health and safety during your participation in a programme, ensure that you are at all times able to participate in a programme and related publicity, and monitor and manage sickness and/or absence during the production process; we may (should we require or should you provide all or some of the following) collect, store and use the following special categories of personal information about you:

  • the results of any background checks (for example searches undertaken by us via Google, Lexis-Nexis and/or on social media platforms);
  • a statement of health form provided by you;
  • the contents of any letter or other communication provided by your GP relating to the state of your health and/or the results of any medical examination (if necessary);
  • information provided by you about your past convictions;
  • any other sensitive personal information, for example about your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious beliefs, or your personal life and sexual orientation which you disclose to us at any time or in the course of your participation in a programme.

3. Sharing your personal information

Your personal information is processed by our employees and staff.  Sometimes we use third parties who are contractually engaged to provide services to us that may involve the sharing of personal information e.g. IT services, health and safety services, insurance brokers and underwriters, legal and accountancy services.  We also may need to share your personal information with other organisations from time to time including with:

  • companies involved with our business activities e.g. broadcasters, post-production houses, sales agents, distributors, financiers;
  • broadcasting regulators e.g. Ofcom;
  • the police or other regulatory bodies as required by law in connection with the investigation of crimes.

Although based in the UK, our business is global which means that we may need to transfer your personal information to organisations outside the European Economic Area (EEA).  Where that is the case, we will ensure that adequate safeguards are in place to ensure the safety and security of your personal information and that it is processed in accordance with this Privacy Notice.

We may share special category personal information about you with members of the production team, and with the parties set out above, and (to the extent you provide such information as part of your contribution to a programme and the same is incorporated in a programme and/or we include details of your biography background and past experiences in  a programme) with the public on transmission of the programme in which you appear.

4. The bases for collecting and processing your information

There are a number of lawful bases upon which we may collect and process your personal information including the following:

  • if you have entered into a contract with us, we may need to use your information to fulfil the contract and our obligations to you;
  • we may be under a legal obligation to process your personal information;
  • we may process your personal information with your consent.  Where that is the case, we will tell you and seek your explicit consent before processing your information;
  • it may be necessary for us to process your personal information for our own legitimate interests.  Note that we will only do so where our legitimate interests do not override your own legitimate rights and interests.

In respect of special category personal information (defined above) and criminal convictions and offences information concerning you, in addition to one or more of the above lawful bases for the general processing of your personal information, we will only process special category and criminal convictions/offences information in one or more the following circumstances:

  • with your express consent;
  • where the special category personal information in question has been made public by you (including without limitation as part of your contribution to the programme you intend to take part in);
  • as necessary to establish, exercise or defend our legal rights and interests;
  • as necessary for reasons of substantial public interest;
  • as necessary for archiving purposes.

5. How we store your personal information

We have implemented appropriate measures and safeguards to ensure that your personal information is kept safe and secure e.g. by storing it securely, and by keeping electronic data on secure servers and hard drives with appropriate levels of security including encryption and firewalls.  However the internet is an open system and we cannot guarantee that unauthorised third parties will never be able to defeat those measures.

We will only keep your personal information for as long as we need to.  For those participating in our programmes, we are likely to retain your personal information for as long as is necessary in order to produce, exhibit, exploit, distribute, advertise, publicise and promote the programme in accordance with our legitimate interests and legal obligations.  Personal information that is no longer required will be deleted/destroyed.

6. Your rights

You have a number of rights in respect of your personal information, including the right:

  • to request access to the personal information that we hold about you;
  • to request that we do not process your personal information for direct marketing purposes;
  • to request that inaccurate personal information we hold about you is corrected;
  • to request that personal information is deleted;
  • to request that your personal information is provided to you in a portable format
  • to withdraw your consent to processing where we are relying on your consent as the lawful basis for processing your personal information including special category and criminal convictions/offence data.

Note that most of these rights are not absolute and are limited to certain defined circumstances.  Accordingly, we may not be able to comply with any such request.

If the basis of our processing of your personal information is ‘consent’ you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.

7. Getting in touch

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Notice please contact our data protection manager through our production office.  We will use reasonable efforts to answer your question or address your concerns promptly.

Please note that you are also entitled to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office if you feel any concern of yours relating to the Privacy Notice has not been dealt with properly: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.  https://ico.org.uk/make-a-complaint/

8. Changes to this Privacy Notice

We may update or amend this Privacy Notice from time to time.

Afanti Media Limited
May 2021

Policy for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable People


Afanti Media Limited is an independent television production company based in Cardiff, producing quality programmes and other content for worldwide distribution. We are a company incorporated in England under company number 03120908 and our registered office is at Tagomago Park, Unit 2&3, Dowlais Road, Cardiff CF24 5TW.

We are committed to protecting the privacy of others and complying with all relevant data protection laws and regulations.  This Privacy Notice explains how we collect, store, use and transfer information about individuals, including those who are applying to take part in, or are involved in, the programmes we make, whether in hard copy or digitally on any of our servers or computers.

In this Privacy Notice ‘Afanti’, ‘we’, ‘us’, ‘our’ refers to Afanti Media Limited and ‘you’, ‘your’ refers to potential contributors to our programming.

Applicants to our programmes who apply through a third party website or via links from third party websites or via other platforms (such as Twitter or Facebook) should note that we are not responsible for any links those third party websites and platforms may carry and/or for the privacy and data protection policies those other third party websites and platforms, and we encourage such applicants to review the privacy and data protection policies of those third party websites and platforms to understand how they collect, store, use and share personal information.

1. Why do we collect personal information

We collect and process personal information for a number of reasons including:

  • producing, exhibiting, exploiting, distributing, publicising, advertising and promoting our programmes by any media (now known or hereafter invented) throughout the world;
  • operating and managing our business effectively and lawfully;
  • as part of and in connection with our programme-making and other activities;
  • responding to queries from members of the public;
  • contacting individuals about taking part in our programmes and assessing individuals’ suitability to take part in our programmes;
  • making payments to individuals;
  • should you have given consent during the application process, to consider you as a potential contributor for our programmes, other than the programme you have applied to take part in.

2. What personal information do we collect

Contacting us: you may provide your personal information (e.g. name, postal address, email address, telephone number, other contact information) when you contact us by phone, e-mail or otherwise in writing, or where you contact us online.  This may be in connection with you participating in one of our productions, or for some other reason.

Applying to and/or participating in programmes: if you are applying to or being considered to take part in one of our programmes it will be necessary for us to collect certain basic information about you including your full name, date of birth, gender, postal address, email address, telephone number and other contact details and your image.  We may also need to carry out identity checks and background checks.  This will be in order to contact you and to assess your suitability for taking part in our programmes.

Applicants to our programmes may email information to us (whether directly or via a third party website or platform), be contacted by our casting team, submit completed questionnaires and forms (whether directly or via a third party website or platform), provide information or documentation in person or by post, and/or be interviewed or auditioned to participate in our programmes. If you are selected to participate in our programmes you will be asked to sign a contract or release form setting out the terms on which you agree to contribute to/participate in our programmes.

We may also collect, store, process and transfer personal information about you that is publicly available e.g. press articles, your social media profiles, online searches.

Special Category personal information: Data protection legislation recognises certain “special categories” of personal information, which is information revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic information, biometric information for uniquely identifying a person, information concerning health, and information concerning a person’s sex life or sexual orientation.  Information relating to criminal offences and convictions is treated in a similar way.

In order for us to be able to (i) assess your suitability as a contributor to a programme; and (ii) produce, exploit and publicise our programmes; and (iii) ensure your health and safety during your participation in a programme, ensure that you are at all times able to participate in a programme and related publicity, and monitor and manage sickness and/or absence during the production process; we may (should we require or should you provide all or some of the following) collect, store and use the following special categories of personal information about you:

  • the results of any background checks (for example searches undertaken by us via Google, Lexis-Nexis and/or on social media platforms);
  • a statement of health form provided by you;
  • the contents of any letter or other communication provided by your GP relating to the state of your health and/or the results of any medical examination (if necessary);
  • information provided by you about your past convictions;
  • any other sensitive personal information, for example about your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious beliefs, or your personal life and sexual orientation which you disclose to us at any time or in the course of your participation in a programme.

3. Sharing your personal information

Your personal information is processed by our employees and staff.  Sometimes we use third parties who are contractually engaged to provide services to us that may involve the sharing of personal information e.g. IT services, health and safety services, insurance brokers and underwriters, legal and accountancy services.  We also may need to share your personal information with other organisations from time to time including with:

  • companies involved with our business activities e.g. broadcasters, post-production houses, sales agents, distributors, financiers;
  • broadcasting regulators e.g. Ofcom;
  • the police or other regulatory bodies as required by law in connection with the investigation of crimes.

Although based in the UK, our business is global which means that we may need to transfer your personal information to organisations outside the European Economic Area (EEA).  Where that is the case, we will ensure that adequate safeguards are in place to ensure the safety and security of your personal information and that it is processed in accordance with this Privacy Notice.

We may share special category personal information about you with members of the production team, and with the parties set out above, and (to the extent you provide such information as part of your contribution to a programme and the same is incorporated in a programme and/or we include details of your biography background and past experiences in  a programme) with the public on transmission of the programme in which you appear.

4. The bases for collecting and processing your information

There are a number of lawful bases upon which we may collect and process your personal information including the following:

  • If you are considering entering into a contract with us we may need to process your information in order to take steps at your request prior to entering into the contract;
  • if you have entered into a contract with us, we may need to use your information to fulfil the contract and our obligations to you;
  • we may be under a legal obligation to process your personal information;
  • we may process your personal information with your consent.  Where that is the case, we will tell you and seek your explicit consent before processing your information;
  • it may be necessary for us to process your personal information for our own legitimate interests.  Note that we will only do so where our legitimate interests do not override your own legitimate rights and interests.

In respect of special category personal information (defined above) and criminal convictions and offences information concerning you, in addition to one or more of the above lawful bases for the general processing of your personal information, we will only process special category and criminal convictions/offences information in one or more the following circumstances:

  • with your express consent;
  • where the special category personal information in question has been made public by you (including without limitation as part of your contribution to the programme you intend to take part in);
  • as necessary to establish, exercise or defend our legal rights and interests;
  • as necessary for reasons of substantial public interest;
  • as necessary for archiving purposes.

5. How we store your personal information

We have implemented appropriate measures and safeguards to ensure that your personal information is kept safe and secure e.g. by storing it securely, and by keeping electronic data on secure servers and hard drives with appropriate levels of security including encryption and firewalls.  However the internet is an open system and we cannot guarantee that unauthorised third parties will never be able to defeat those measures.

We will only keep your personal information for as long as we need to.  For those applying to take part in one of our programmes but who are not selected as a contributor, we will delete your personal information within 60 days of first transmission of the last episode of the programme you applied to take part in, or if you have consented to us retaining your personal information for the purposes of considering you as a potential contributor for our other programmes we will retain your personal information for up to 3 years from first transmission of the final episode of the programme you applied to take part in.  For those participating in our programmes, we are likely to retain your personal information for as long as is necessary in order to produce, exhibit, exploit, distribute, advertise, publicise and promote the programme in accordance with our legitimate interests and legal obligations.  Personal information that is no longer required will be deleted/destroyed.

6. Your rights

You have a number of rights in respect of your personal information, including the right

  • to request access to the personal information that we hold about you;
  • to request that we do not process your personal information for direct marketing purposes;
  • to request that inaccurate personal information we hold about you is corrected;
  • to request that personal information is deleted;
  • to request that your personal information is provided to you in a portable format
  • to withdraw your consent to processing where we are relying on your consent as the lawful basis for processing your personal information including special category and criminal convictions/offence data.

Note that most of these rights are not absolute and are limited to certain defined circumstances.  Accordingly, we may not be able to comply with any such request.

If the basis of our processing of your personal information is ‘consent’ you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.

7. Getting in touch

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Notice please contact Avanti’s data protection manager at our main office. We will use reasonable efforts to answer your question or address your concerns promptly.

Please note that you are also entitled to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office if you feel any concern of yours relating to the Privacy Notice has not been dealt with properly: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.  https://ico.org.uk/make-a-complaint/

8. Changes to this Privacy Notice

We may update or amend this Privacy Notice from time to time.

Afanti Media Limited
May 2021

Policy for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable People