Gitar yn y Tô
Osian Huw Williams sydd ar daith i ddysgu mwy am hanes y gitar a’r rôl mae wedi chwarae o fewn cerddoriaeth Cymraeg dros y degawdau. Bydd yn cwrdd a rhai o gitaryddion ac artistiaid mwyaf blaenllaw Cymru fel Meic Stevens, Peredur ap Gwynedd, Myfyr Isaac, Heather Jones, Yws Gwynedd a llawer mwy ac yn holi sut mae’r offeryn yma wedi datblygu a hoelio ei le o fewn y sîn gerddorol Gymraeg.
Osian Huw Williams goes on a journey to learn more about the history of the guitar and the role it has played within Welsh Music over the decades. He meets some of the biggest guitarists and artists of Wales such as Meic Stevens, Peredur ap Gwynedd, Myfyr Isaac, Heather Jones, Yws Gwynedd and many more and explores how this instrument has developed and earned its place within the Welsh music scene.